Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy                                                                                                       Member of network of academics

ReBioClim: REstoring urban streams to promote BIOdiversity, CLIMate adaptation and to improve quality of life in cities

Supporting cities in planning restoration of small streams that will improve the quality of life of residents, increase biodiversity and contribute to climate change adaptation

The project focuses on the restoration of urban streams using nature-friendly solutions. Although many (scientific) studies show that revitalised streams bring many benefits (from flood mitigation, biodiversity restoration, cooling of cities to recreational and aesthetic functions), their restoration using nature-based solutions is still not a common practice in the context of urban areas.  Indeed, in practice, stream restoration faces a number of obstacles. There is limited space in intensively built-up areas, complicated property rights to surrounding land, or a lack of public and stakeholder awareness of the benefits that restored watercourses provide. The aim of the project is therefore to help cities to simplify the planning and implementation of restoration measures by using interdisciplinary approaches, engaging the professional and lay public and exchanging experiences. The project involves scientific partners from Germany, Czechia, Slovakia, Poland and the Netherlands and the cities of Dresden, Jablonec nad Nisou, Senica and Poznan, where the knowledge gained in the project will be implemented in practice.

In the project, IEEP will be responsible for a work package aimed at integrating ecological, social, institutional and urban planning aspects of urban stream restoration.

Funding Agency: Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-2027
Duration: 6/2024 – 01/2027
Contact person: Jiří Louda, e-mail:
Researchers: Lenka Dubová, Jan Brabec, Lenka Slavíková etc.
In cooperation with: Dresden University of Technology (Germany; Lead Partner)

Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (Germany)

City of Dresden (Germany)

Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (Slovakia)

Alcedo River Clinic (Slovakia)

Town of Senica (Slovakia)

Poznań University of Life Sciences (Poland)

City of Poznań (Poland)

Aquanet Retencja Sp. z o.o.(Poland)

City of Jablonec nad Nisou (Czechia)

Delft University of Technology (The Nederland)

Web-site: Project ReBioClim website

Climate_CRICES: Increasing Climate Change Resilience in Central Europe

Supporting cities and regions in Central Europe to develop and implement climate change adaptation strategies

The aim of the Climate_CRICES project is to increase the capacity of public authorities to cope with the expected impacts of climate change, such as heat waves and drought, water scarcity and flooding, and impacts on biodiversity. The challenge addressed in this project is to make use of the big amount of environmental, water and meteorological data available both within public institutions and from so far practically unused data sources (e.g. remote sensing data). By bringing them together on a single multilingual platform, municipalities, regions, agencies and research institutions from Austria, Germany, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Croatia and Italy will be able to increase the resilience of rural and urban areas to the impacts of climate change through more efficient and accurate analysis and forecasting. In cooperation with partners in Poland and Germany, it will then be easier to address climate change adaptation issues on a cross-border basis. 

As part of the project, IEEP will pilot the needs of the Liberec region and selected municipalities in the region, identify barriers to the development and implementation of adaptation strategies, and provide access to existing portals so that data can be integrated into a common Central European platform.

Funding Agency: Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE 2021-2027
Duration: 6/2024 – 11/2026
Contact person: Jan Macháč, e-mail:
Researchers: Štěpánka Truhlářová, Lenka Zaňková
In cooperation with: Veneto Region (Italy; Lead Partner)

ARPAV – Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention of Veneto (Italy)

Consortium for the Information System (Italy)

Research Burgenland GmbH (Austria)

Central Danube Development Agency Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary)

North-West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency (Croatia)

Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (Germany)

Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences (Poland)

System of environmental-technical optimization of spatial parameters of agricultural land in the context of permanent efficient management

How to design an appropriate internal layout of agricultural land taking into account the ecosystem services provided. 

The aim of the project is to develop methods for optimising the internal layout of agricultural land, including zonation methods within soil sub-blocks (LPIS) in the context of effective application of precision agriculture and ensuring the diversity of agricultural landscapes. The optimisation also includes the design of environmental-technical areas where there is a requirement to enhance the environmental functions of the landscape. The methods must take into account the technical requirements of agricultural techniques, crop rotation principles, economics, but also aspects of the functional natural environment, soil and water conservation. The project will result in a set of methods for optimising the internal layout of LPIS, including an assessment of their impact on agrotechnical operations, ecosystem services, and in terms of future agricultural requirements, i.e. the possibility of CO2 fixation, and increased landscape stability. 

The IEEP team will be responsible for the economic assessment of the measures in the project. An integral part of this will be the consideration and valuation of externalities in the form of ecosystem services and costs of the measures. By implementing economic methods (cost-benefit analysis/multicriteria analysis) to determine the overall/sub-impacts, the suitability of the different options for implementing the measures will be assessed.

Funding Agency: Ministry of Agriculture: public competition of the Programme ZEMĚ II announced in 2023
Duration: 03/2024 – 09/2026
Contact person: Jan Macháč, e-mail:
Researchers: Marek Hekrle, Lenka Zaňková
In cooperation with: Výzkumný ústav meliorací a ochrany půdy,v. v. i. (lead partner)

České vysoké učení technické v Praze

Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze


SpongeBoost: Upscalling the natural sponge functions of freshwater ecosystems to deliver multi- benefit green deal solutions

How to support sponge functions of freshwater ecosystems in the form of wetlands and other nature-based solutions

A consortium of 10 partners from a total of 7 different European countries aims to find, compile and test innovative solutions to increase the potential of the sponge function of the landscape, especially wetlands. Due to the impacts of climate change, it is essential to find ways to preserve or restore key ecosystem functions and features in the landscape. The main aim of the project is to develop a roadmap to support the further implementation of these measures based on all the evidence from existing research around the world, as well as the results of its own investigations and pilot case studies. In addition to the natural and technical aspects, attention will also be given to economic, social and regulatory aspects and to finding business models that will provide funding for the implementation of wetlands and other nature-based solutions beyond existing subsidies in the form of alternative innovative models.

The IEEP team is responsible for leading one work package and is also significantly involved in the implementation of institutional analysis, barrier analysis and the design and validation of innovative business models.

Funding Agency: Horizon Europe
Duration: 1/2024 – 12/2027
Contact person: Jan Macháč, e-mail:
Researchers: Jan Macháč, Jan Brabec, Lenka Slavíková, Jiří Louda, Marek Hekrle, Lenka Zaňková
In cooperation with: Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung

Wetlands International-European Association

a další partneři

Assessment of organic and conventional agriculture in terms of their impacts on ecosystem services to support strategic and decision-making processes

Comparison of the impact of conventional and organic farming on the provision of ecosystem services and formulation of arguments for adjusting the setting of support for organic farming.

The project aims to compare the impact of conventional and organic farming on the provision of ecosystem services, using own research, available data and literature. Ecosystem services whose provision is crucial both for the long-term resilience of agrarian ecosystems and for maintaining the resilience of the whole environment will be quantified. By quantifying ecosystem services in biophysical units (in conventional and organic farming) and their subsequent assessment, including life cycle assessment of selected agricultural products, the hitherto insufficiently under-considered added value of organic farming production in relation to the ecosystem services will be analyzed. Arguments and recommendations for (adjusting) the setting of organic farming support in accordance with the Czech Action Plan of organic farming and other related documents will be formulated.


Funding agency: Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic
Duration: 01/2023–12/2025
Contact person: Jiří Louda, e-mail:
Researchers: Jan Macháč, Lenka Dubová, Marek Hekrle, Jan Vávra
In cooperation with: Crop Research Institute

University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice

Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences





FOREST-AGRICULTURE-WATER NEXUS: Bilateral Workshops for Supporting Tools for Ecosystem Services Governance

Czech-Norwegian bilateral workshops on the use of floodplain forest buffer zones for improving water quality and reducing soil erosion.

Water quality is often influenced by agricultural production (soil run-off into watercourses, water pollution caused by fertiliser and other chemicals etc.). At the same time, current agricultural practices are contributing significantly to the erosion of valuable fertile soils. The costs of water treatment / purification within the water management infrastructure are increasing; the quality of soil and water, and the biodiversity are decreasing. Only little attention is paid to so called nature-based solutions (NBS), which could help meet these challenges and furthermore they bring also many other benefits to the society in form of various ecosystem services. One of these NBS is floodplain forest buffer zones between agricultural land and watercourses, but so far very little planting has taken place. The practical implementation of this measure faces a number of barriers.

The aim of the project is therefore to support the meetings of scientists and practitioners from the Czech Republic and Norway, enabling the exchange of experience and knowledge in this area, which should result in the submission of a joint bilateral or multilateral project aimed at identifying and evaluating the benefits of the riparian forest buffer zone and the subsequent proposal of support mechanisms for their practical implementation.

Funding Agency:           State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic, Norway Grants

Duration:                      01/2019–08/2022

Contact Person:            Jiří Louda, e-mail:

In cooperation with:       Norwegian University of Life Science, Global Change Research Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences


Improving society’s resilience to effects of crisis by increasing food self-sufficiency

Promotion of establishment of urban community gardens (CG) to mitigate economic and social impacts of crises.

Community gardens brings numerous benefits for their members not only in the form of crop production or promotion of social relations, as well as other city inhabitants. As a green element in the urban environment, they contribute to improving quality of life by providing ecosystem services, including rainwater runoff regulation, air quality regulation and microclimate cooling. In a broader context, they additionally perform educational, recreational and cultural functions, and are a place for safe meetings in the public space, a venue for cultural events, education for children, etc. From elected municipal representatives’ point of view, they meet goals of climate change adaptation strategies and may contribute to development of neglected or otherwise unused urban land. Promotion of urban CG is thus also beneficial for inhabitants not directly affected by impacts of crises.

The objective of this interdisciplinary project is to identify the potential for reducing negative impacts of crises by establishment of community gardens on municipal land leading to increasing food self-sufficiency of city inhabitants. A survey among community garden members, coordinators as well as city inhabitants and elected municipal representatives will identify benefits of community gardens during the COVID-19 crisis, barriers to establishment of urban CG and most appropriate plots of land, along with checking the demand among inhabitants for involvement in urban agriculture in community gardens. Eventually, we will identify the overall potential for CG establishment by municipalities in order to mitigate negative impacts of economic and social crises on inhabitants.

In this project, the IEEP research team follows up on its previous research dealing with benefits of community gardens and motivations of their members. The findings will be dissemination in collaboration with KOKOZA, o.p.s., and will be used to support establishment of specific urban community gardens in selected cities.


Funding agency: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TL05000718)
Duration: 05/2021 – 12/2023
Contact person: Jan Macháč, e-mail:
Researchers: Jan Macháč, Lenka Dubová, Marek Hekrle, Jan Vávra
In cooperation with: KOKOZA, o.p.s. (project partner)
Project outcomes: The main project outcome will be a Summary Research Report, presenting benefits of CG during crises, demand for urban CG among inhabitants, supply by municipalities and factors of CG sustainability, providing recommendations for elimination barriers to CG establishment, and presenting a procedure for identifying suitable sites for CG establishment in Czech cities.



WATER IN THE CITY: Blue and Green Infrastructure Interdisciplinary

Development of interdisciplinary tools to support management of rainwater in municipalities.

Implementation of nature-based solutions in urbanized areas has a significant potential for adaptation of municipalities to climate change and reduction of associated negative effects such as floods from torrential rainfall, drought or heat islands. Although Czech municipalities try to prevent these effects, implementation of nature-based rainwater-retaining solutions in reality often faces insufficient capacities and lack of information necessary for their planning, procurement, implementation and promotion. One-sided solutions that do not fully exploit the potential for implementing blue and green infrastructure are often designed for these reasons.

The aim of our interdisciplinary project is to create a methodology that will clarify and facilitate municipalities’ decision-making during planning and implementation of nature-based rainwater-retaining solutions in urbanized areas. Furthermore, particular examples of possible solutions in an urbanized area will be provided, based on the character of the city and its surroundings.

The IEEP research team builds here on previous projects dealing with blue and green infrastructure. Existing outputs and tools will be further developed and applied in this project through interdisciplinary cooperation.

Funding agency: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Duration: 05/2019 – 04/2021
Contact person: Jan Macháč, e-mail:
Researchers: Jan Macháč, Marek Hekrle
In cooperation with: University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings of the Czech Technical University in Prague
Outputs:          The main output of the project will be a methodology for planning and implementation of nature-based rainwater-retaining solutions in urbanized areas and examples of possible solutions (expected release in April 2021)

Development of methods of economic evaluation of green and blue infrastructure in urban areas

Development of a tool and SMART method for economic evaluation.

The realization of nature based solution fases their low enforceability and awareness of their co-benefits. An economic assessment of specific measures may serve as an important argument for the implementation (planning) of these measeures and leads to an increase in awareness of their importance. The aim of the project was to find, define, systemize and validate methods for the economic evaluation of different categories of nature based solutions (e.g. green walls and roofs, trees, etc.) in intelligent urban areas using green and blue infrastructure. The categories will be quantified both from the point of view of the direct costs and benefits associated with the construction and operation, and from the point of view of the side effects that are currently missing in the decisioin making process. A comprehensive methodology economic assessment was developed within the project, which will serve primarily as a basis for decision-making processes in the public administration.

Funding Agency: Technology Agency of the Czech Republic
Duration: 10/2017 – 07/2019
Contact person: Jan Macháč, e-mail:
Researchers: Jan Macháč, Lenka Dubová, Jiří Louda, Marek Hekrle, Lenka Zaňková, Jan Brabec
In Cooperation with: The outputs are discussed with practical partners: Czech Landscape and Garden Society; GreenVille service s.r.o. and Ministry of Environment
Outputs: Macháč J. et al. (2019) The methodology for economic assessment of green and blue infrastructure in human settlements. Usti nad Labem: Institute for Economic and Environmental Policy.


BIDELIN: Values of Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Blue-green Infrastructures in Cities, Exemplified by Dresden, Liberec and Děčín

Detecting, quantifying and evaluating the ecosystem services in the cities Dresden, Liberec and Děčín.

Presently, preservation of biodiversity and functioning of ecosystems belongs to the main challenges for human society. Although services provided by nature affect significantly the quality of life and human well being, there are losses of the services due to a construction development especially in cities. To the green and blue infrastructure is attached great importance as a result of the growing population in cities and increasing risks of manifestation of climate change.
This project seeks to reveal the relation between sustainable nature value creation, the elements of nature in cities and human well-being by utilizing the concept of ecosystem services. The aim is to increase the importance of ecosystem services and value of nature in an urban environment using green and blue infrastructure evaluation in the pilot cities (Dresden, Liberec, Decin) by utilizing methodological approaches of economic assessment. The results of this analysis can be used in decision-making processes in the field of urban planning, nature conservation and work with the public.
In the project our team will focus on the creation of common methodological approaches and on the use of ecosystem services concept valuation of green and blue infrastructure in cities. The project will involve an interlinking of our team’s activities in the area of nature and ecosystem services and nature-based solutions valuation in the cities.

Project outputs are developed in cooperation with Faculty of Environment and Department of Geography of Faculty of Science UJEP. 


Funding Agency: Cooperation Programme Free State of Saxony – Czech Republic 2014–2020
Duration: 1/2017–12/2019
Contact Person: Jiří Louda, e-mail:
Researchers: Jiří Louda, Lenka Dubová, Jan Macháč, Kristýna Rybová
In Cooperation with: Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IÖR), Dresden a cities of Liberec, Děčín, Dresden
Web-site: Project BIDELIN Webstite